Asset transfer sap e Assets which we have transfered using tcode ABUMN or AIBN. View products (2) Hi Gurus, Hi Team, We want to transfer parts of one asset (by individual material) to another asset. Im thinking of doing the below let me know if anyone of you have better ways. Official SAP Community. If the two plants are in separate Business Area, then you have to use T Code ABUMN and transfer the asset either to the existing asset in another plant or create a new asset and transfer to that In This Video You Will Learn "Asset Accounting in SAPFICO"1. Use the language menu to select your preferred language. if i create the asset using Tcde AS91, the system carrys the depriction value upto 31. What is the best practice in the case of i My scenario is to transfer asset to 1101 company code to 1107 company code using "REV FROM NBV" with value. SAP recommends that you post transfers that are both cross-company and cross-client using ALE (Application Link Enabling) functions, rather than using manual intercompany asset transfer. As transfer account is the account you set up in FI for intercompany transactions. Create new asset in target company code on before hand with reference to the old asset of existing company code using LSMW batch input recording. Currently the asset is in Branch C & depreciation will be booked Asset transfer from one plant to another can be done by using T Code AS02 and change the Plant Code if both the plants are in the same Business Area. We are trying to transfer asset from one company code to another using gross method. SAP Community; Products and Technology; Enterprise Resource Planning The issue got solved after I maintained the exchange rate entry as per the old asset date and was able You can also go to Asset accounting configuration nodes by navigating through ORFA -> Asset Accounting -> Transactions -> Intercompany asset transfer -> Automatic Intercompany Asset Transfers -> Define Cross-System Depreciation Areas. So we create a new asset, then use ABUMN and give the asset value date of P7/1/2010. 0 EHP8 SP22 ; 6. I want to transfer this asset in ABT1n to Co Code ABC at the Value of 60,000. transfer: Prior-yr acq. It covers the process of transferring an asset from one asset class to another, which may be necessary when an asset is initially recorded in an incorrect asset class. We are using ECC. e an old asset to a new/other asset. Select Fixed Asset AAA-A. If you want to transfer an asset between two company codes where a different company ID is assigned to each company code, and you want to transfer the book value (instead of recognize a gain or loss), you will need to set up a new transfer variant within configuration (i do not suggest modifying a SAP standard one because it may get reset during an upgrade). The depreciation is carried out for certain assets, eg. Using the cross-system asset transfer, you can transfer fixed assets across system boundaries or across client boundaries. Can you give the solution. powlas3 Suggestion for further process and here is small explanation for your query . Prepare a Template which will have From Asset and Receiver Assets (Similar to fields in transaction ABUMN) 3. When the new asset is created in the another company code system is calculating period 1-5 depreciation again. By continuing to browse this website you agree to the use of cookies. Don't show me again; Available Languages: English ; Arabic (العربية) Bulgarian (Български) SAP Managed Tags: FIN Asset Accounting. 5", and in the year 2008, the asset do the external asset acquisition with transaction type 100 in 2008-5-30, with the value "441997", and then 2008-5-30 do the retirement transfer of current year acquisition, the partial transfer amout is Hi Friends, We are using inter company transfer with different GL Accounts for gain / loss account other than AO90 Assigned GL A/C. Kindly see attached screenshot. SAP will calculate the Sales Tax/Excise Duty based on the Tax Code selected the entry is posted to the GL Account (Sales Tax Payable) Accounting entry for sale without a customer: Accumulated Depreciation Dr . Select the variant 1-Gross method and then click on SPRO-Financial Accounting-Asset Accounting-Integration with General Ledger Accounting-Assign Input Tax Indicator for Non-Taxable Acquisitions. Before doing an asset transfer I could change the key to 0000 but in my copy The transfer of legacy data is generally the first action after you configure the Asset Accounting component and cl SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview 3318060 - Central KBA Legacy Data Transfer in Asset Accounting S/4HANA / How-to scenarios, standard behavior and guides. I hope you need to create transfer variant with movement type from the IMG path. The transfer date is on the first day of a fiscal year. Sap help talks about ALE scenario for doing these type of transfers. Example, Asset 1 transfered to Asset 2 both should appear in the report. Process Flow for Intercompany Asset Transfer. Once you use this code, than you have to give Asset : 12345-0(if it is main asset) than you have to maintain doc date,posting date, asset value date. In the depreciation areas tab in for asset master data, you need to maintain the expired usefull life and periods. Note: check deprecation start date for new asset. However, if we use the net transfer method, this depreciation area in the receiving asset can take up values from another depreciation area during the asset transfer transaction, if the depreciation area in the receiving asset has been defined as a dependent area in customizing, meaning that it depends on another depreciation area to adopt values. Asset transfer clearing . Now check the Transaction types used for the asset retirement and acquisition for the Second Variant from Asset Accounting> Transactions> Intercompany Asset Transfers> Automatic Intercompany Asset Transfers> Define Transfer Variants In ABUMN > Partial Transfer tab, you have to select whether the transfer is from Prio-year Acquisition or from Current-year Acquisition. My question is after asset transferred, is the. Create the plants as customer and vendors in the system and create a sales order for the asset you are Example of transaction types which must have an identical document type for an intracompany transfer (ABT1N): 1. Date; 05. This document discusses how to transfer legacy asset data from a non-SAP system into SAP using transaction code AS91. There is currently no intercompany process available for fixed assets in SAP Business ByDesign. SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Finance all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Hello, I have posted an Intercompany Asset Transfer using ABT1N. You may choose to manage your own preferences. Hello Sap Experts. Once transfered the expired life of the asset is reset back to zero and remaining useful life begins a new countdown. Path . 0 EHP3 SP25. Transfer variants. start date . Do you know You use this function to post asset transfers across company code and client boundaries. This function adds to the functions offered by the intercompany asset Before you start the process of inter-company asset transfer, you must have the asset code that you want to transfer to another company code. It involves several prerequisite configuration steps like setting the company code status, specifying depreciation area sequencing, and defining transfer dates. 1)Create new asset class or copy asset class by using t code OAOA. Solved: Dear Experts, I have triedto transfer asset within company code, e. However, if we do that, we need to first pre-create the asset numbers in the new asset class before the transfer. We have some assets bought in last fiscal year and some are in prior to last fiscal year. Additional languages available! Benefit from machine translations on-the-fly offered by SAP Translation Hub. ) BAPI for Asset transfer; cancel. I have the requirement to transfer net book value of 200 assets from one company code to another company code, since we use lsmw, we don't need copy the field, does it mean we can use standard SAP transfer variant 2(net method) and we don't need to create a new transfer variant, under which situatio Due to maintenance work on SAP Community, notifications won't be sent for activities that occur from Saturday morning to Sunday evening (April 13 and 14, European time). Tipically depreciation area 01 is using transaction type 310, but some other areas have posted lines with transaction types 158 or 154. Asset capitalized in the current year and transferred in the current year. Home; SAP ERP; Asset Accounting (FI-AA) Other Transactions During Life of an Asset Intracompany and Intercompany Asset Transfer; If you do not have an SAP ID, you can create one for free from the login page. Hi Friends, We are using inter company transfer with different GL Accounts for gain / loss account other than AO90 Assigned GL A/C. There is a need to carry out a mass asset transfer. Cross-system depreciation areas. View products (1) Dear experts, Please guide me, I have posted one wrong entry in ABUMN asset to asset transfer, now i want to reverse that transaction. However, in new Asset Accounting each depreciation area must be assigned to a ledger group. 12. In contrast to a storage-location-to-storage-location stock transfer, a plant-to-plant transfer affects FI and Material Requirements Planning (MRP). SAP Community; Products and Technology SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition Enablement: Live Product Expert Sessions in 2025 in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP a The company ABC had manually retire all the asset and would like to manual create the new asset in the asset master with zero depreciation period and manual do the posting of asset via GL journal T-code F-02 by Dr Asset Cr intercompany accout. But since it is not a 1-1 transfer, we need to bring in logic to do proper partial transfer. View products (2) Hi Experts, There is a requirement for mass Inter-company asset transfer (Tcode: ABT1N). So, I used ABUMN for that purpose. 2. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, FIN Asset Accounting. The posting is normal. We are using Net method for asset transfer. Hi, Inter company asset transfer first you need to set the account determiantion in AO90 Under Acquisition Account assignment -Acquisition from affilliated company Gl account and second one Under Retirement account assignment- Clear. Are there any issues if we change the Legacy Asset Transfer Date? We went live in June 2008 and asset transfer values were loaded as of June 2008, the issue is the Legacy asset transfer date was set to DEC 2009. Thanks & Regards, Mukthar 2. Then try ABT1N. Programming Tool. When asset moved from one place to another place or another location you can set the time interval for that. SAP Community; What’s New 24. Accumulated Depreciation . Hi, can you please tell me the what is the t/code for asset transfer in asset accounting for year end activities from 2007 to 2008. Then transaction AS91 is used to create asset master records and enter takeover values. Correction asset transfer - receiving company should have received net values only in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A Friday; SAP Continuous Influence for SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition – Outcome of the Q4/2024 Review in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by Dear All, I have a ticket for intercompany asset transfer. My question: Is it okay to use both methods Basics of Asset Accounting - Post-Capitalization of an Asset and How Depreciation is Calculated and Distributed A tutorial on how to process the intra-company asset transfer in SAP using t-code ABUMN. I was looking at the alternative to simplify this process by using work lists and have the new assets created on the fly with reference to the original assets/sub-assets, but this alternative offers some Dear Experts, We plan to do a transfer of One to Many Assets i. I have consulted the various notes & FAQ on the knowledge base, but a best practice in the Cloud remains unclear. I checked S_ALR_87012054 - Intracompany Asset Transfers but its showing nothing. We have closed asset fiscal year 2011. First is Asset Book and Second is GL Book. it should be present date that means when you want calculate depreciation for new asset. 6C . I want to know which asset is transfered to which asset. or Hello, Merci for the screenshot with the explanation . E. An intercompany asset transfer within a corporate group may be necessary for one of the following reasons: The physical location of the asset has changed, making it necessary to assign the asset to a new company code. But when posting the in I do understand we need to perform the asset transfer posting (to change to corresponding asset class then Depreciation expense is recorded correctly as well) by using ABUMN (asset transfer within company code). I've been transferring fixed asset into another asset class. In other words, Assets being transferred from an intercompany Trading Partner are not available within the Transfer Field of Asset history sheet (AR02) but in the current field. 1. The asset transfer process requires to manually create the new assets and sub-assets in the new location and then execute ABT1N in mass mode. 2) Then do another LSMW batch input recording for transaction ABT1N. Prerequisites. Finally run the ABUMN for intercompany transfer within the company code. Is it possible to change the option/field that we can Hi, We are transferring assets from one company code to another with transaction ABT1. Kindly guide the procedure I Dear . Asset Book are updated when you update the Asset, but connected Recon account which is GL account are need to be updated separately, usually this Hi, Normally the first mentined Variant is the Standard and the Second is customized in your company code. Verify in AW01N if the values posted are in the current year OR from a prior year acquisition and then select the appropriate radio button in 100 x A,AA LC = DDD,DD LC (DDD,LC represents the total amount to be transferred from Fixed Asset AAA-A to ZZZ-Z). Thanks & Regards, Hemant Maurya Please post this message in the Asset Accounting forum. One way is to use ABUMN transaction and use the multiple asset option. When I click on "Transfer Values," the system automatically picks the capitalization date as transfer date I have transferred one asset with in company code using T-Code: ABUMN (Transfer Variant = 4) which has transaction type 330 assigned on it. However I try The cross-plant stock transfers can only be booked out of the unrestricted-use stock. revenue sale to Solved: Hi All, Need your inputs as am new to assets. 4. 2 CoCd use same COA, same G/L Account, Same Depreciation Area, Same Controlling Area and didn't use Busines Area and FM Area. You want to transfer one or more fixed asset(s) from Company ABC to Company DEF. With this configuration ca Yes it seem, you missed GL book entry while doing the transfer, when you ar edoing asset accounting transfer always remember you are dealing with 2 books. The asset is transferred and the document is posted. 3. If it is another company code than use ABT1N. Now asset accounting is working fine with depreciation getting posted on monthly Mainly because it was easier but then we also found SAP note 49563 - Subsequent transfer of data to FI-AA quite helpful. it will not incurred any loss , (if your are using Inter company transaction please use t code:ABT1N. This is possible in SAP, any methods available . Hi Experts, I have a problem please provide me solution. Kindly advice, Thanks. SAP Community Solved: Hi Gurus, Please explain about asset transfer process and what are the things needs to be taken care while asset transfer process. Then that asset will be read undet DEF business area. You have to post the retirement transfer and the acquisition transfer in two separate steps. Asset . You can create an asset transfer only if the following conditions are met: . Now coming back to method 3, ' Revalution method- It transfer only the asset value we enter- it won't bring any history of asset '. Regards, Mani Looking for SAP Assets accounting experts Insights: AS91 Upload asset balance on current fiscal year . In my organization didn't use COMPANY only Company Code. 2 ways to do it when bringing values from Legacy to SAP: - Final value in previous system = new acquisition value. After creating it, select the same variant and double click on maintain allowed entries SAP Managed Tags: FIN Asset Accounting. You can check same thing via transaction code AW01N. Asset Transfer. Please suggest the process and transaction code to meet this requirement. I have a problem : my customer's company has a asset which was purchased in 2007 with the APC value "17908. Available Versions: 6. As you can see on example (link to sap help page) FI document, acquisition CoCd is AA15, which do have TTY 310 and 330. Please give me suggestion which t-code or path I can use for this. Now we have created a separate asset class and wish to upload the legacy assets to this class now (01/2012). ABC represents the source company ID, DEF represents the Target Company ID. e. In the partial transfer posting relate the transfer to Previous years: In the Fixed Assets work center go to the Fixed Assets view. For example, both asset has quantity 1 and the same unit of measure. Uncheck test run and execute. Transaction types of the validation transaction (default transaction types) Dear Experts, I have an issue in SAP RE-FX, I would like to transfer contract from one company code to another code in SAP RE-FX. I need to transfer this asset to another company code and I am using transaction code ABT1N and Net method in the transfer variant. If it is not tick Hi Svetlin, I have tried it out but it does not function because I need to transfer from an already in use asset to several new ones, i. SAP Community; Products and Technology; SAP Enterprise Support Academy Newsletter January 2025 in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP a week ago; Transfer of asset from one Profit Centre to another in Enterprise Resource Will there be a difference in transfer variant if I do intercompany asset transfer in the below scenarios - 1. . 0 EHP8 SP21 ; 6. (T_Code ABAON – When the transaction is used with Trading Partner to generate an I/C Transfer of assets the Gain or Loss is posted to the normal Gain/Loss account (AO90 - XXXX10) instead of the IC-G/L Sale FA account (XXXX15). Now we decide to an asset transfer to a number of reasons. 2009 only, but i need the system posts depriciation from 01. Search for additional results. SAP S/4HANA Asset Management – Output Management using Work Packs in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP 3 weeks ago; Correction asset transfer - receiving company should have received net values only in Enterprise Resource Solved: Hi, We have legacy assets uploaded with transfer date 31032010 using AS91. Now check Asset Explorer (AW01N) of AUC and main asset. You have understood it correctly, it is for transfer from one system to totally new system. Hi friends, Our client’s requirement is to Transfer Asset from one plant to another plant with MM route using stock transfer order (STO). Asset Accounting in Hi experts Any ideas as to how to perform a fast inter-company asset transfer? We are "componentising" assets (breaking a large singular asset up) into smaller assets with correct useful lives using a transfer (transaction code ABUMN), from old historical assets to newly defined assets (at component level). g. 0, I get the Message (Transaction without amount) when I make an Asset Class Transfer for an Asset Under Construction. Please tell me what should i enter in Specify Transfer Date and in. Current Mai If you want to transfer Asset from one company code(A) to other Company code (B) We have to use T. Regards, Ashok. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). This is the number which, together with the asset sub-number, identifies a fixed asset in Asset Accounting. It covers the process of transferring an asset from one An asset transfer represents the acquisition of one asset and retirement of another. If now the cost center is changed to PLANT1 belonging to profit center BRANCH, then an FI document would be posted as below: Asset APC a/c Cr ---- profit center HO. SAP Community; Products and Technology; Enterprise Resource Planning; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, FIN Asset Accounting. (S/4 will post asset technical clearing. This document provides a detailed end-user guide for asset transfer in SAP Finance Asset Accounting (FI-AA) module. 2009). SAP Community To another asset no. You need to show the asset transfer as sale and purchase in such a scenario. Thease are just few highlights : Mass Asset Creation Mass Asset Change Mass Asset Transfer These features are simplified by providing upload functionality where user c Hello Experts, I need a asset transfer report which should have assets from/to details. Set-up proper Transfer Variant. Turn on suggestions. 'Batch input Check the amount transfer in Test; AIBU screen will open automatically. from period 1 till 5. Asset capitalized in the previous year and trasferred in the current year. Introduction : This Blog provides information on our lastest innovations released in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2011 and 2102 release. In GST, either you can get entire GST credit for capital goods purchase or capitalize the GST also to asset and depreciate over the useful life of the asset. 2016 Cost 48500 Accumulated Depreciation 29100 NBV 19400 We want to transfer this asset from Cocode 100 to the New SAP Community Products and Technology Again go to spro->img->fin acc->asset acc->transactions->inter company asset transfers->automatic inter company asset transfers->Define transfer variants->choose Define transfer variant---here create a new transfer varient according to your requirement. To transfer an asset, we need to have an asset master record created in receiving the company code. As in - if company code XYZ has an asset at acquis cost 100,000 and Acc Depr 40,000 and Net Book value as 60,000 as at a date. thne here you can choose receiving asset as existing asset, as you have already created the target asset in the pervious step. Dear Friends, I want to transfer a asset from one plant (X)to another plant(Y),After few week they willl return the same asset back to me. For example: A asset belongs to ABC businessarea from 01/01/2008 to 30/06/2008 When asset moved to DEF business area you have to set interval for 01/07/2008 to 31/12/9999. 2006. If a settlement is performed after I have to transfer an asset from Company 1 to Company 2. I've been adding the document and I encounter this error: Cannot transfer to target asset class; asset has depreciation. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. Learn how to configure asset transfers in SAP S/4HANA Finance here. Search questions and answers, read the latest blog posts and curated content, connect with experts, and improve your SAP skills. asset. See sending and receiveing For Example ANLN1 1XXXXXX1 " Asset Number (Sending) ANLN2 0 " Asset Sub Number ANLU1 1XXXXXX2 " Asset Number (Receiving) ANLU2 0 " Asset Sub Number Sending and Receiving maybe swap . Highly appreciated. Could you suggest the configuration? Thanks Sathy Hi I wish to transfer a fixed asset from one profit centre to another in SAP S/4 Hana. Press Manual Posting and select Partial Transfer of Individual Material. It should be in transfer field and the total should be in current field. 0 EHP8 SP19 ; 6. Indicator: Transfer adopting dep. However, for building material you won't get any GST credit. i'm in SAP 4. 2. 310 Acquis. But not sure how it will allow since the receiving asset and company code is not there in the sending system. This is basic. How i can hadle this asset transfer in SAP? Is there any standard process is there for Asset STO? Regards, Sankar D. 03. Doc. Please forgive me. transfer to New Asset Simulation: Co Code 1: Cr Asset, Cr Accu. What is main pre requirement for this business process. Paul Asset Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition | 2023 FPS02 Release in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP a week ago; The Migration Object "Fixed asset (including balance)" isn't selecting all assets in the ECC system in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2 weeks ago Existing Users | One login for all accounts: Get SAP Universal ID For intracompany transfers (within one company code), use the Intracompany Asset Transfer function. The default Item Category is “U” and the fields “ transfer of an asset. I want Asset transfer detail pulry which we have transfered from One Plant to another Plant. Asset. You can capture the Old Source Asset no. SAP Business One Fixed Assets solution provides two Transaction Types for the functionality of Fixed Assets Transfer: Assets Transfer / Asset Class Transfer. If we will use the existing asset field instead of new asset option, will it still create a new asset number or the old asset num You might have to define cross-system depreciation areas and assign your local depreciation area to cross-system depreciation area (OATB) if the company code you are transfering to does not uses same chart of depreciation (with same depreciation areas). Cr. What will happen to the original asset once I enter a different value other than the net book value at the end of 31/12/2014. This note describes some of the impact of a subsequent About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Asset Acc Dep a/c Dr --- profit center HO We have one company code for which the asset transfer date was fixed 30. For e. from cap. Not sure why someone selected this date. At same company code using TC#ABUMN i have notice something when i transfer the amount from old asset no. SPRO-IMG-Financial Accounting (New)-Asset Accounting-Transactions-Retirements-Define Transaction Types for Retirements. But in these reports it gives list of those assets also which we have transfer from AUC to final assets (i. Old company. Asset depreciation. SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions Hello - Can you tell me how can I generate the following business scenario in SAP? We purchased an asset from an affiliated company with the amount of 80 EUR; ABT1N with Gross method system will transfer asset from comp code to company. Display the asset transfer values in AS03 or AW01N. 09. The guide includes step-by-step instructions, screenshots, and SAP Managed Tags: FIN Asset Accounting. For more information, see the ALE Scenarios in To configure transaction types for transfers in SAP S/4HANA Finance, follow the menu path Financial Accounting > Asset Accounting > Transactions > Transfer Postings > Define Transaction Types for Transfers. This asset has an acquisition value of 1000 SGD and poste We have 2 options in transferring assets to a new cost center. We only need the remai This document provides a detailed end-user guide for asset transfer in SAP Finance Asset Accounting (FI-AA) module. Hi normally I use table ANEK to see asset transfer . Hello, Merci for the screenshot with the explanation . The asset is transferred as required as I can see my document posted successfully and as well as I see the values transferred from the old asset to new asset via AW01N as well. Click on a test run. Please make posting with or without vendor for sending company code asset code. We use cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, improve performance, analyze traffic, and to personalize content. 2)Transfer can be done using ABUMN (with asset value) 3) you can using AS01 with reference old asset cod (without asset value) 4) create LSMW for both T code- (ABUMN and AS01) Regards. It means that, Sending Company code Asset Code does not have value. Values will transfer from AUC to the final Asset. I am uploading assets from legacy system into SAP. The NBV that gets transferred to the new asset is 4300 and $200 gets posted as planned in the old asset for P7. View products (1) When you posted an intercompany asset transfer, depreciation area 10 was not on the receiving asset, and you did not define any cross-company depreciation areas. On the first screen, shown below, choose between asset transaction types for acquisitions and retirements. how to reverse, in which T. Everythig is fine, but business has small requirement for Transaction type. View products (1) Hi, We are going live on 5th July, I have a doubt regarding transfer date and asset value date. If i would have done any mistake, while posting the question. I would like to reverse this document. Regards, Chaita The system is using different transaction types for the asset transfer posting. Asset Accounting>Transactions>Intercompany Asset Transfers>Automatic Intercompany Asset Transfers>Define Transfer Variants-->Specify Transfer of Fields (for New Asset in Target CoCd). However, the company ABC facing the problem to post the NBV zero in the GL journal T-code F-02 as the Dear Community, For an IFRS16 Lease In contract (RE-FX) implementation, we are challenged with intercompany transfers for an existing contract. I have one asset of 5 quantity, I want to transfer in five new assets of quantity 1-1. Thanks in advance. transfer account . Solved: Hi, Asset 400000000001 Value as at 01. There could be gain/loss from sale if revenue amount is entered. If there is no value for current fiscal year it will not allow you to do Intercompany Asset Transfer. Hi experts, There is a requirement from the client end that there be one asset that has five depreciation areas, but the client wants to transfer only the fifth depreciation area to the new asset. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. To new asset no. 08 in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP 2 weeks ago; Asset transfer speed degrading (ABUMN slow) in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A Now we decide to an asset transfer to a number of reasons. I am able to do it through ABT1N, but there are nearly 6000 asset, so is there any possibility of Mass asset transfer, apart from LSMW or BDC. Code: ABT1N. Is there any such report available in SAP. I want to ask which transaction I can reverse this ABT1N transaction. e with Tcode KO88). Use life : 3 years. Receiving company. I tried with FBU8, but it is not successful. it include dep. In 2019 an asset was created (laptop). For example, I have an asset code 1800007-0 for asset class 1800 (Computers) that belongs to company code 1234. I want to transfer one asset to more other assets. Dr. For more information, see the ALE Scenarios in Asset Accounting topic. For transferring the asset you have to charge the GST on Asset sale invoice. This asset was created and capitalized last year. Forgot to mention every transfer I do is all Intra company. 08 through T code F-02 (doc type:JV). when ever you do the asset transfer system will post remaining life asset accumulated depreciation in the new asset. The ideal way is then to do the asset to asset transfer and in SAP you can always cross link the 2 assets. 70 Asset debited in NEW Business Area. Rajesh This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. > Hi Gurus, My user wants to transfer Asset to Retained Earnings Account as on 31. Now you can see the entry. Carl, This is where you can influence the fileds to be transfered in the transfer variant [1-Gross in your case]. Thanks. System is giving me the following error: SAP on Instagram Share This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement , for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. View products (1) Hey Guys, When doing an inter company asset transfer we are facing an issue as the current year depreciation for tax books remains on both the old and new asset. SAP ERP. I found the following from SAP Business One Help files. Posting date. SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP. For more details refer this link Hi, Please advice how we can transfer assets from one plant to another plant within same company code through sto . 3. Message no Configuration related to Fixed Asset Legacy Data migration in S/4HANA can be set using path ‘SAP Customizing Implementation Guide --> Financial Accounting --> Asset Accounting --> Asset Data Transfer --> Parameters for Data Transfer’, predominately company code status, transfer date, transfer status, document type, offsetting account and transaction Thanks for your answer. Thanks & Regards Chaitanya Hello Guru's, Please this my first time of loading asset data. ABAP Development. Please follow the as per the tammy. View products (1) Intracompany Asset Transfer; Asset Accounting (FI-AA) (New) English. Would like to check if there is any other alternatives using standard SAP functions to achieve this. Ravi Polampalli When I transfer an asset with ABUMN or intercompany with ABT1N and I use the original asset as the reference for the new asset everything is copied over correctly except for the expired useful life. Additionally check the sap note 122439 and 196012. Here remove the indicator for your transaction type. Code, any implication is thre please let me know. start date Set this indicator, if you want to adopt the historical depreciation start date and capitalization date from the retiring asset when you perform intercompany asset transfers or intracompany transfers. e. One is thru AS02 (add time interval) and the other is thru ABUMN. : I created an asset "office business equipment" and I have begun to depreciate it and now I would like to split acquisition and depreciation value into 5 new assets "business equipment". ABUMN----->Asset transfer within Company Code. Scrap of Asset. 0 EHP8 SP20 ; 6. Traditional asset accounting does not require every depreciation area to be assigned to a ledger group. i. When I am trying to create an STO with account assignment category “A”, the system asks for the material code. I need to know how to enter transfer posting : transaction data. Transfer transaction types from transfer variant 4: 300 Retirmt transfer: Prior-yr acq. Make sure validate Asset accounting view before So when you the create the asset with Tcode AS91, you have to enter the capitalisation date, which is same as your transfer date (01. As an asset, intercompany transfer represents the retirement of one asset in sending the company code and the acquisition of another asset in receiving the company code. I am looking for any standard report which should show that Asset A has been transferred to Asset B with end to end tracking. 4. That is, you must specify an asset value date that is the first day of a fiscal year. , SAP already live and since we are implementing some industry specific solution, we need to split the current Main Asset which has all Acqn cost and Accum dep into multiple new sub assets under a different asset class. Procedure. Also consider if transfer is gross or net. Asset APC a/c Dr ---- profit center BRANCH. "Asset Transfer – Transfers an asset to another asset. When i. became lower and i notice the diff. 2009. When you post to a P&L Account it is the result from revenue or when you use an other asset value date as the current month. Please help me! Thanks, Bob Dear Expert, I've a problem in asset transfer between 2 company codes. New cc. Now the system says it is not possible as the transfer date should be last period of the closed fiscal year. SAP Community; Tag: "asset transfer" Tag: "asset transfer" 19 posts | 17 taggers | First used: 2015 Mar 07; Latest Tagged. In a stock transfer between two plants assigned to different valuation areas, the following scenarios affect FI: Dr. Best Regards, Sushil I had to do an asset/s transfer say i. Software Product Function. The issue is, many assets have incorrect Tax (Non-Book) accumulated depreciation. Depr Solved: Dear Experts, I have triedto transfer asset within company code, e. 2012; The document date is the date on which the original document was issued. Ordinary depreciation posted in current year is not taken over correctly during mid-year legacy asset transfer in simple finance system You want to know how to Simple Finance, On-Premise Edition, middle year, accumulated depreciation, cumulated depreciation, take over, SAP_FIN, 720, AA322, AA 322, AA352, AA 352, FAA_POST213, FAA_POST SAP Managed Tags: FIN Asset Accounting. g: from asset A to asset B (new asset number). All rports are giving Asset transfer detail. Finally, I need your help to resolve an issue I am having during asset inter-company transfer. It needs to be ensured depreciation shall be charged on the remaining useful life of the asset in the Profit Centre where the asset has been transferred. And the new asset starts depreciating from P7 with a NBV of 4300. Regards. 08. 04. Fixed asset transfer approval. I 'm not sure . Otherwise it will calculate for old asset as well as new asset. consider an asset ABC01 that has cost center FINANCE belonging to profit center HO. This is an intracompany transfer. 05. Asset value-->(Based on this date system will calculate Asset value. I check in the web someone suggeste Dears, On SAP Business One 9. System set up is different to complete transfer, so partial transfer is based on set of books. Depreciation Run. Dear SAP experts, I have a question regarding the partial transfer of an asset using ABUMN. Now when he is going to select posting Key 70 and GL code ,then system shows following error: "You cannot post to asset in company code 2000 fiscal year 2007. 2009) or before the transfer date (<01. IMG-AA-Transaction-Intercompany Asset Transfers-Automatic Intercompany Asset Transfers. Learn how to create a structured approval process for the transfer of high value fixed assets. 2012; Date which is used when entering the document in Financial Accounting or Controlling I want to transfer assets till 31st March 2008. Account Entries: X Comp Code: 75 - Asset Cr - 100 Hello experts , we did a asset legacy transfer with the transfer date as 12/30/2023 with cap date as of 01/01/2023 When running the depreciation it give the error My company wants Intercompany asset transfer at the net book value of the asset. See how you can leverage pre-built content for SAP Build Process Automation to improve governance with rule-based approval determination and transaction monitoring before actual document postings in SAP S/4HANA. Select the variant 1-Gross method and then click on Are there any issues if we change the Legacy Asset Transfer Date? We went live in June 2008 and asset transfer values were loaded as of June 2008, the issue is the Legacy asset transfer date was set to DEC 2009. we have a requiremnts where user want that we should create new asset master data & tfd some existing asset to these newely created assets. We have created a LSMW for this requirement, but, when we are running the LSMW, system is not automatically saving the transaction (Asset transfer document) after we execute the last step in LSMW i. (inter company transfer) I am using ABT1N transaction with Transfer Variant '1' (Gross Method) Specification for revenue - Rev from NBV - 01 (Book Depreciation) Interco. Retirement of Asset. SAP Community; Products and Technology; SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) FIN (Finance) Software Product Function. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public. Automatic Intracompany Asset Transfer; Example: Gross Intercompany Transfer; Asset Accounting (FI-AA) 6. I have the list of assets where some assets are very old. Ex: Asset Transfer from Comp Code - X to Comp Code - Y. Ordinary depreciation posted in current year is not taken over correctly during mid-year legacy asset transfer in simple finance system You want to know how to Simple Finance, On-Premise Edition, middle year, accumulated depreciation, cumulated depreciation, take over, SAP_FIN, 720, AA322, AA 322, AA352, AA 352, FAA_POST213, FAA_POST I specifired the transfer date in the system 31. Alimul Raji. During the transfer from asset A to asset B via ABUMN, the quantity in the receiver asset is updated to the sum of the quantities of two assets. BRANCH A will be transfer asset (Container) to Branch B & again Branch B will transfer asset to Branch C. 0 EHP8 SP18 ; To mark this page as a favorite, you need to log in with your SAP ID. I have done my AS91 ie my asset data legacy which is alright but to enter the transfer posting am not getting I am not sure but I believe that even if you create a new asset in a new sap system the asset transfer value needs to be accounted as acquisition. 1800000 0. Transaction type: Indicator: Transfer adopting dep. FIN Asset Accounting. the NBV for new asset no. 2009, and i speicied last period posted in the previous sytem as 8, 2009. It has created a Cross Company Code posting. In 2023 (asset is already fully depreciated – NBV = zero), a new asset was created for the replacement of this old asset. Acquisition and retirement in two separate steps (manual inter company transfer) For automatic inter company asset transfer you need to define. ) About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Log on Hi Gurus, In the Asset transfer within company t-code under transaction data tab, we have been using the option new asset and it results to creation of new asset number. Hi Network, Currently facing an issue while uploading asset balances through AS91 in SAP. Goes to field name “value adjustment” my inquiry is : 1- how i transfer asset next time with right way without any value adjustment Hi, can you please tell me the what is the t/code for asset transfer in asset accounting for year end activities from 2007 to 2008. hlhssvwjrzwocsmpgoszhtnpokzvkjkdtdwjlqcnzotucuoyuybo